Problem & Solution

Why inSafeJection?

Learn about the adverse events resulting from wrong route drug injections into arterial and epidural lines, as well as the current approaches to prevent them.

Intra- Arterial Injection

Arterial lines are used to monitor blood pressure and obtain blood samples but are usually not intended for drug administration due to the risk of serious tissue damage or even limb amputation. In operating rooms and ICUs, patients often have multiple connections for various purposes. Urgent drug injections, high-stress situations, poor lighting, and practitioner fatigue increase the risk of wrong route drug injections. Despite current measures, intra-arterial injections still occur worldwide. Eliminating injection ports or using only one-way valve ports isn’t feasible, as practitioners need to flush lines and administer certain drugs like Sodium Heparin to prevent complications such as arterial occlusion, thrombosis, and embolism.

Intra-Epidural Injection

An epidural catheter allows access to the epidural space for injecting local anesthetics and other approved medications. Wrong route or unintentional injections into an epidural port can occur, especially when less-skilled medical practitioners mistake the epidural line for a venous line, leading to unauthorized drugs being injected into the epidural space. Such injections are highly undesirable and potentially damaging for patients, with a wide range of adverse events possible, including death.

Different approaches to minimizing the risk of injection errors

Comprehensive Safety for At-Risk Injection Ports



inSafeJection can connect to any at-risk port, including arterial lines, epidural lines, and all associated connectors and ports. It alerts healthcare professionals with an advanced alarming system, ensuring enhanced safety and preventing errors.

Partial Prevention of Wrong Route Drug Injection


Color-coded connectors are widely used to prevent wrong route drug injections by alerting healthcare professionals with specific colors, such as red for arterial lines and yellow for epidural lines. These connectors are popular because they can be used in any situation (unlike the NIC). However, they only partially prevent wrong route drug injections, as their effectiveness relies on the awareness of healthcare professionals.

Prevent Unintentional Injection Into Sampling Port of Arterial Line

NIC Advantages

  • It prevents the accidental administration of medication into the arterial line from sampling port
  • It reduces the risk of bacterial contamination
  • It stops blood spillage during sampling


NIC Disadvantage

  • Being a one-way valve, it only prevents sampling errors in the arterial line
  • It cannot be used for flushing the arterial line
  • It does not prevent unintentional injections into the epidural line

Discover the Advanced Features of inSafeJection

Easy to Use

Easily administer medications or draw blood samples without needing any tutorials.

Simple Assembly

Connects seamlessly to any at risk port, akin to attaching stopcocks, ensuring a hassle-free experience.


We offer competitive pricing to ensure global accessibility to patient safety solutions


Compatible with all standard small-bore connectors used in intravascular, hypodermic, and neuraxial applications, including Luer lock, Luer slip connectors, stopcocks, and syringes.


Crafted from 100% biocompatible materials in contact with patients, ensuring safety and comfort.

Audible and Visual Alarm

Dual-layer security features audible and visual alarms, enhancing patient safety.

Versatile Functionality

A single device prevents injection errors in various scenarios, including intra-arterial and intra-epidural injections.

Blood Sampling Integration

Eliminates the need for additional ports for blood sampling, streamlining procedures.

Drug Administration and flushing the arterial line

Enables healthcare professionals to administer allowable drugs or flushing the arterial line at a unique port.

Enhanced Safety

It’s not a one-way valve, allowing flushing the arterial line and reducing the risk of temporary occlusion, thrombosis, and embolism.